21 Weeks

How many weeks: 21


Baby is the size of… A Pomegranate? According to my app this kid is getting smaller by the week…

How am I feeling? Tired, but otherwise ok. I’m over halfway there now. I finally put my application in for maternity leave this week. All going well I should be finishing up on 18 December. That’s only 14 weeks to go. Or no more than 68 working days!

Best moment this week? I got have another ultrasound this week. It was only a quick one to get the heart shots we didn’t get last time. Bubs was still a bit stubborn but we got there in the end. It was amazing to see how much he/she had grown in the space of 2 weeks. S/he is definitely getting stronger too. Kicks are more definite and sometimes uncomfortable if it’s in the wrong place. It is reassuring though to feel them so strong and so frequently. I can’t feel them from the outside yet though – every time I put my hand on my tummy, the kicks suddenly stop.

After my visit with the doctors at the hospital last week they requested that I do an early glucose tolerance test. I have been dreading this since my morning sickness started,  I still struggle with nausea and vomiting if I happen to decide to have a shower before having breakfast. Thankfully, all went much better than expected. I felt fine throughout, though the nurse struggled to find my veins which isn’t unusual. I have lovely bruises on both arms from all the poking! I get my results on Wednesday so I am hoping all is well. However there is a chance I’d still have to repeat the test later on 😦

Symptoms? I’m really tired at night still, but I am sleeping ok which is good. I am also getting out of breath more easily. I guess there is less room for my lungs to inflate at the moment.

Purchases? Yes! I have finally made some purchases! First thing was a second had bassinet which was a bargain at $20. I got a couple of sheets for it today on sale at Big W. I also got Damian his own nappy bag for Father’s day (filled with assorted baby and dad to be goodies!)

I had some spare time today so went and looked at some prams. I think I have narrowed down the features I want and have a couple of models shortlisted. Fortunately the ones I am looking at seem to be quite affordable, and I may even consider a new one rather than second hand after all!